Song of Old Age

by Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol

The Song that follows is from the publication Songs of Shabkar, The Path of a Tibetan Yogi Inspired by Nature, translated by Victoria Sujata and published by Dharma Publishing (2011). Shabkar was a nineteenth century practitioner who studied the teachings of all schools. His songs were a special way of teaching; in his preface to the book, Tarthang Tulku advises readers to read with great awareness, letting the words resonate, in order to contact their inner meaning and its significance for our own lives.  For those who wish to go deeper, we have included the original Tibetan, following the layout of the published book.

Elderly father, Chökyi Gyälpo,
All-knowing about the Dharma traditions new and old—
I, your son, continuously petition you.

Please give your blessings to benefit the teachings and beings.
Although I, a turquoise thunder-dragon who soars in the sky, am aged,
My claws have not been dulled.

Although the tiger who wanders in the forest is aged,
His vitality is undiminished.

Although the wild yak who wanders the rocky cliffs is aged,
His horns have not worn down.

Although I, a yogi who strolls around the country, am aged,
My faculties are unimpaired.

Although the king of birds, the garuæa, is aged,
He still delights in the heights of the sky.

Although the mighty elephant is aged,
He still delights in carrying heavy loads.

Song of old age in Tibetan script

Although the most excellent, omniscient horse is aged,
He still delights in cutting across a vast plain.

Although the yogi Shabkar is aged,
He still delights in acting for the benefit of beings.

From now on, through all my lifetimes,
May I be of unlimited service
To the teachings—the source of benefit and happiness—
And to all sentient beings, my mothers in all lifetimes.

Shabkar said this, according to whatever came to mind, when several of the faithful remarked that although he is aged, his faculties are still clear, he delights in acting for the welfare of beings, and he is very kind.